Confirmed on IRC that this is a bug.

Relevant log¹ (edited for clarity):

    <smls>        Is it intended that LTM prefers \d and <[0..9]>
                  over <digit> and <:Number>, as a tie-breaker?
                  (re. RT #130612)

    <TimToady>    no, that wasn't intended

    <jnthn>       m: say '1' ~~ / \d | <digit> { say 'digit' }/
    <camelia>     rakudo-moar 760530: OUTPUT: «「1」␤»
    <jnthn>       m: say '1' ~~ / <digit> { say 'digit' } | \d /
    <camelia      rakudo-moar 760530: OUTPUT: «「1」␤»

    <jnthn>       Interesting
                  Though I can guess why

    <jnthn>       m: say '1' ~~ / \d | <:N> { say 'digit' }/
    <camelia>     rakudo-moar 760530: OUTPUT: «「1」␤»
    <jnthn>       m: say '1' ~~ /<:N> { say 'digit' } | \d/
    <camelia>     rakudo-moar 760530: OUTPUT: «「1」␤»

    <jnthn>       That one I don't understand


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