
It seems that you can add “need” and “use” there (with a good message) and it
will do exactly what was requested.

On 2015-11-17 18:57:53, fecund wrote:
> When Rakudo (MoarVM) 6.b encounters
> need 6.000;
> or
> use 6.000;
> it gives an error:
> Undeclared routine:
> use (or "need")
> I encountered this as a Perl5-ism, where I may say "use 5.022" so that
> ancient Perls won't choke on "v5.22" - can we get one of those awesome
> error messages that says "do you mean 'need v6.0'?" when given the
> above?
> Also,
> use "foo";
> also gives same LTA "Undeclared routine: use" error, would be nice if
> it told use how to use a module from an interpolated string instead.
> thanks!

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