On 10/03/2017 11:56 AM, Andy Bach wrote:
Though this seems to be heading the wrong way but - TIMTOWTDI
my @SmtpIndex =
   qw[ DebugTrace smtp port username password from to Subject Text FileName ];

my @SmtpValues = ["1", "smtps://smtp.zoho.com <http://smtp.zoho.com>", "465", 'la...@zoho.com <mailto:la...@zoho.com>', "NaYukYukYuk", 'la...@zoho.com <mailto:la...@zoho.com>', @['cu...@zoho.com <mailto:cu...@zoho.com>','m...@zoho.com <mailto:m...@zoho.com>'], "Stooges", "Certainly!", @[""] ];

my %Smtp = zip @SmtpIndex, @SmtpValues;

I guess I could imagine the values coming from a fixed order data file, so a loop would do the zip with a split of each line but ...

Hi Andy,

I love examples!

This started out as a brain teaser.  And has grown into an
excellent reference!

Thank you!


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