# New Ticket Created by  Elizabeth Mattijsen 
# Please include the string:  [perl #132216]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132216 >

<lizmat>        m: use experimental :collation; $*COLLATION.set(:!tertiary); dd 
"a" coll "A"  # samcv: is that correct ?
<camelia>       rakudo-moar 98fae3: OUTPUT: «Order::More␤»
<samcv> ah. quaternary needs to be disabled
<samcv> that breaks ties by codepoint
<samcv> m: use experimental :collation; $*COLLATION.set(:!tertiary, 
:!quaternary); dd "a" coll "A"
<camelia>       rakudo-moar 98fae3: OUTPUT: «Order::More␤»
<samcv> m: use experimental :collation; $*COLLATION.set(:!tertiary, 
:!quaternary); say $*COLLATION
<camelia>       rakudo-moar 98fae3: OUTPUT: «collation-level => 5, Country => 
International, Language => None, primary => 1, secondary => 1, tertiary => 0, 
quaternary => 0␤»
<samcv> 5
<lizmat>        but More should be Same, right?
<samcv> yeah 5 is right. but More should be same when quaternary is removed
<samcv> looks like a bug. will look at it in about an hour when i get back
<lizmat>        shall I rakudobug it ?
<samcv> yeah
<lizmat>        oki

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