On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 05:56:34 -0700, c...@zoffix.com wrote:
> If you convert an Array with holes into a List, it makes sense for
> holes to be turned in Nils,
> and if you individually AT-POS them, Nil is indeed what you get.
> However, if you .perl or .gist that List,
> or assign it to another Array with some `is default`, the Nils turn up
> to be Mus:
> m: my @a = <a b c>; @a[1]:delete; @a[5] = 42; @a.List.gist.put;
> @a.List.perl.put; my @b is default(42) = @a.List; say @b.perl
> rakudo-moar b8eda6: OUTPUT: «(a (Mu) c (Mu) (Mu) 42)␤("a", Mu, "c",
> Mu, Mu, 42)␤["a", Mu, "c", Mu, Mu, 42]␤»
> Which is especially weird, if you assign some Mus into the Array:
> m: (my @a)[1] = Mu; @a.List.gist.say
> rakudo-moar b8eda6: OUTPUT: «((Mu) (Mu))␤»
> m: (my @a)[1] = Mu; @a.List[0,1].say
> rakudo-moar b8eda6: OUTPUT: «(Nil (Mu))␤»
> Looks like the logic that turns holes into Nils on AT-POS also needs
> to be added in the iterator.

Made Array.List shove Nils into holes.

Fix: https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/e135121914
Test: https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/2257ab353f

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