On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:59:36 -0700, alex.jakime...@gmail.com wrote:
> Code:
> my @a = [1,2,3,4]; my %h = 'a'=>'b','c'=>'d','101'=>'102'; my $c =
> \(|@a, |%h); say $c.list; say $c.hash;
> ¦«2015.12»:
> (1 2 3 4)
> Map.new(("101" => "102",:a("b"),:c("d")))
> ¦«2016.06»:
> (1 2 3 4)
> Map.new(("101" => "102",:a("b"),:c("d")))
> ¦«2016.12»:
> (1 2 3 4)
> Map.new(("101" => "102",:a("b"),:c("d")))
> ¦«2017.06»:
> (1 2 3 4)
> Map.new(("101" => "102",:a("b"),:c("d")))
> ¦«HEAD»:
> (1 2 3 4)
> Map.new((101 => 102, a => b, c => d))
> Possible IRC discussion: https://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-
> 09#i_15275925
> Bisectable: (2017-10-07)
> https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/9247045962ab8d41f7b74603cb2ae0c2d0555573
> I think the previous output was better because (accidentally or not)
> it was giving executable code. Not that it has to be executable, but
> :a("b") makes a bit more sense than a => b for those who are familiar
> with perl 6. Maybe not, feel free to argue otherwise, I'm just the
> messenger.

This was done on purpose. `Map.gist` used to call `.perl` on the pairs in the 
past instead of `.gist`, which both is different from what `Hash.gist` does and 
is not correct. Certain things cannot be .perled while they can be gisted and 
also for some things (like List and Blob) .perl gives All The Things™ for some 
things while .gist gives just the gist.

    c: 2017.07,HEAD Map.new((:42a, b => (1...2000))).gist.say

    c: 2017.07,HEAD Map.new((:42a, b => (1...*))).gist.say
    ¦2017.07: «Cannot .elems a lazy list␤  in block <unit> at /tmp/78NrayS5Sy 
line 1␤ «exit code = 1»» ¦HEAD(8a88d14): «Map.new((a => 42, b => (...)))»

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