Looking at Andrew Shitov's new "Using Perl6" book and was playing around
with his "94. Parallel file processing" and came up with the following (I
think nice) example.

# There is a thread to populate $dir-channel by reading filenames in a
directory with dir()
# and $N worker threads to read the filenames from the $dir-channel.

use v6;

sub MAIN( $dir = ".", :$N = 4 ) {

    my $dir-channel = Channel.new();
    my $dir-read = start {
        $dir-channel.send( $_ ) for dir $dir;
        close $dir-channel;

    my @workers = (^$N).map: {
        start {
            while my $file = $dir-channel.receive() {
                say $file.path;
            CATCH {
                when X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed { .resume }

    await $dir-read, @workers;

Norman Gaywood, Computer Systems Officer
School of Science and Technology
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351, Australia

ngayw...@une.edu.au  http://turing.une.edu.au/~ngaywood
Phone: +61 (0)2 6773 2412  Mobile: +61 (0)4 7862 0062

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