Hi All,

I can't not remember what I did in Perl 5 here and
am not having a good time converting it to Perl 6.

$ perl -e 'my $A="44.rc0"; if ($A ~~ /(^[0-9,.,a,b,rc]+$)/ ) {print "$1\n";} else {print "\$A = <$A>\n"}'


The actual code is:
if ( $Line2 ~~ /(^[0-9,.]+$)/ ) { push ( @WebVersions, $Line2 ); }

The actual data looks like:

$Line2 = 6.0.1
$Line2 = 6.0.2
$Line2 = 6.0
$Line2 = 6.0b1
$Line2 = 6.0b2
$Line2 = 6.0b3
$Line2 = 6.0b4
$Line2 = 6.0b5
$Line2 = 60.0
$Line2 = 60.0b10
$Line2 = 60.0b11
$Line2 = 60.0b12

I am trying to exclude things that look like:

$Line2 = bonecho
$Line2 = custom-updates
$Line2 = deerpark
$Line2 = devpreview
$Line2 = granparadiso
$Line2 = latest-beta
$Line2 = latest-esr

Many thanks,

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