I didn't phrase that quite right.

pyanfar Z$ 6 'my @lines; $*OUT.^find_method("print").wrap: -> $self, $str {
@lines.push($str) }; use Test; note "hello"; is @lines[0], "hello\n",
"wrapped err too"'
ok 1 - wrapped err too

This wraps it for every IO::Handle, not just for the IO::Handle in $*OUT.
You may need "but" for that?

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 9:34 PM Brian Duggan <bdugg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, October 25, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> > You can't actually wrap print that way, can you? Or rather, if that works
> > it wouldn't be specific to $*ERR.
> Um, you definitely can, and yes it's not specific to $*ERR, e.g.
>     my @lines;
>     $*OUT.^find_method('print').wrap: -> $self, $str { @lines.push($str) }
>     use Test;
>     say "hello";
>     is @lines[0], "hello\n", 'said hello';
> produces
>     ok 1 - said hello
> Brian

brandon s allbery kf8nh

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