Most operators in Raku are subroutines.

    1 + 2
    infix:<+>( 1, 2 )

    prefix:<->( 1 )

You can add your own operators by creating such a subroutine.

    sub postfix:<!> ( UInt \n ) { [×] 2..n }

    say 5!; # 120

Because it is so easy to add operators. Operators only do one thing.

    1 + 2

That operator is for doing numeric addition.
If the two things are not numbers they get turned into numbers

    ['a'] + ['b', 'c'] # exactly the same as 1 + 2

The +^ operator is about Integers. So if you give it something that is not
an integer it becomes one.

    1.2 +^ 1; # exactly the same as 1 +^ 1


Note that Int:D does NOT do any coercions.

Int:D() does do coercions.

Specifically Int:D() is short for Int:D(Any). Which means it coerces from
Any to Int, and the result must be defined.

On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 2:39 PM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Okay, I clearly do not understand what is
> going on with these definitions, so please
> correct my assumptions!
> Question: would some kind soul please tell me how:
>       multi sub infix:<+>($a, $b --> Numeric:D)
>       multi sub infix:<+^>($a, $b --> Int:D)
> gets turned into
>       $c = $a +  $b,   and
>       $c = $a +^ $b
> This is what I understand so far about
> the definition lines:
> 1)  "multi" means there a several way to do things
> 2)  "sub" means subroutine:  $c = +($a, $b)
>          my $a=2; my $b=3; my $c = +($a, $b)
>          2
>       And a participation trophy for the wrong answer.
>          my $a=2; my $b=3; my $c = +^($a, $b)
>          -3
>       And I just won two a participation trophies!
> 3)  <> is a form of literal quote
> 4)  infix:<+> means you can call it as a sub that
>      gives you back the wrong answer.
>          $c = +($a, $b)
>          $c = +^($a, $b)
> 5)  --> Numeric:D means it return a Numeric and
>      --> Int:D means it "coerces" your stuff and
>      return an Int, like it or not.
> Yours in confusion,
> -T

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