On 2020-05-26 19:16, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-05-25 23:42, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
HI All,

I am missing something here:

154:   # figure out the label
155:   say %CommandLine<backup_path>;
156:   if "%CommandLine<backup_path>".starts-with( "[" )  &&
157:      "%CommandLine<backup_path>".contains( "]" ) {

Cannot resolve caller index(Str:U: Str:D); none of these signatures match:
     (List:D: Cool:D $needle, *%_)
     (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, :i(:$ignorecase)!, :m(:$ignoremark), *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, :m(:$ignoremark)!, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, Cool:D $pos, :i(:$ignorecase)!, :m(:$ignoremark), *%_ --> Int:D)      (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, Cool:D $pos, :m(:$ignoremark)!, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Cool:D: Cool:D $needle, Cool:D $pos, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: Str:D $needle, :i(:$ignorecase)!, :m(:$ignoremark), *%_ --> Int:D)      (Str:D: Str:D $needle, Int:D $pos, :i(:$ignorecase)!, :m(:$ignoremark), *%_ --> Int:D)      (Str:D: @needles, :i(:$ignorecase)!, :m(:$ignoremark), *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: Str:D $needle, :m(:$ignoremark)!, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: Str:D $needle, Int:D $pos, :m(:$ignoremark)!, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: @needles, :m(:$ignoremark)!, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: Str:D $needle, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: Str:D $needle, Int:D $pos, *%_ --> Int:D)
     (Str:D: @needles, *%_ --> Int:D)
   in sub GatherOptions at CobianWrapper.pl6 line 156
   in block <unit> at CobianWrapper.pl6 line 390

Follow up:

This turned ot the be the same issue as the other on:

say %CommandLine<backup_path>;

Was not the actual case.  %CommandLine<backup_path>
was actually blank.

I need to start using `print` instead of `say` to
proof things.

Thank you all for the help and tips!

And I replaced all my "say" with "print"

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