On 2020-06-04 04:35, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

I wrote you one a very long time ago, after a question from you.

The module is called "Inform". Its on the modules site.

Since it was a long time ago, there may be some bit-rot. Let me know if there is .

The module should show how to use GTK, and there is a time-out function.

Richard, aka finanalyst

On 04/06/2020 02:55, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

Okay, now I know I am pushing it.  Can anyone point me to
an example of a GTK information pop up with a time out
feature?  Or similar?

Many thanks,

Hi Richard,

Some follow questions:

1) where are the directions?  where are the
variable definitions?

in the following:

# my first attempt:
$popup = inform( 'Something cleaver here',
# :buttons(Dismiss => 'Dismiss Test', :Response('Dismissed'))
                 # :buttons(Dismiss => 'Dismiss Test'),
# :buttons( OK=>'OK',b2=>'Not on your life', 'Cancel'=> "I don't want to")
                 :buttons( OK=>'OK Maybe', b2=>'Not on your life' ),
                 :title("5 second Countdown test"),
                 :show-countdown );
print( "popup = <$popup>\n" );
print( "data.response = <$data.response>\n" );

2) why do I have to have more than one button?
`:buttons( OK=>'OK Maybe' )` errors with

      Type check failed in binding to parameter
      '@buttons'; expected Positional but got Pair
      (:OK("OK Maybe"))

3) what is the difference between "buttons" and "response"?
Both of these give two buttons:
      :buttons(Dismiss => 'Dismiss Test', :Response('Dismissed'))

4) why am I getting a weird response:
     popup = <Informative::Informing<86939520>>
     data.response = <Informative::Informing<86939696>.response>

5) What is popup suppose to show?

6) why is it not dismissing after 5 seconds?

7) why is there no "show-countdown"?

Many thanks,

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