I'd like to contribute with m 1 cent.

Perhaps I read an interesting point mentioned by Richard:
"- Perl regular expressions (regexes) are copied (badly??) by every !!!
other language. But Raku takes them much further, and more flexibilty.
After getting used to Raku regexes, I tear my hair out when I go to
another language."

At this point, I'd like to bring you my limited acknowledgment is drive by
the fact I'm am a biologist, not a programmer, but I love code out. I
started with Perl5 and after C/C++, R and Python. And I use my programming
skills to develop some scripts to automatize some things but nowadays I'm
using a lot of R to data science & data analysis focus on biological data.
In this field, text processing is very required and even R being
implemented the regex up to Perl5 I'm too tear my hair out.

Not only by that, but Raku may ave a beautiful place in data analysis if
the library ecosystem grows up to this purpose.
in time, I'd like to help to implement those libraries, even if we may
import directly from Perl5 (which still has a bigger ecosystem of
biological packages when compared with R or Python), but my time is sadly

Also, most important to data science, I think:
- library to plot data preferred based in the grammar of graphics (as
- library to deal with data frames ('a grammar of data manipulation' based,
as dplyr)
- library to statistical tests and descriptions (also to implement
training, ML, .....)
- And last but not least, a good environment to dynamic code/analyze as
Jupiter, Rstudio (or a well personalized Vim/Emacs)

With the Concurrency, Assincronism, and Paralelims paradigms, and the nice
precisely way that Raku represents equations (0.1 * 3 = 0.3 aways should be
true), I think soon Raku may get a good place in data science and data
analysis field.

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 1:25 PM Mark Devine <m...@markdevine.com> wrote:

> Radhakrishnan,
> I would be considered a non-developer and more of a system
> admin/architect.  I’ve used Perl 4/5 since the 1990s with success.  My
> opinion of Python is not particularly high, except that it is ubiquitous
> (like Perl 5).  Ruby was not unpleasant.  I’ve sampled a few others, but
> none were particularly fantastic for my general scripting purposes.
> I consider Raku <https://raku.org/> (formally renamed from “Perl 6” Oct
> 2019) as a modern alternative to Perl 5.  All of my operating system
> scripts are now in implemented in Raku.
> I did frequently wince at some of the constructs that I had to put
> together in Perl.  I saw myself writing line noise and write-only
> scripts/modules, but I really didn’t have alternatives in Perl.  I have yet
> to experience any regret with coding Raku.  Raku appears to me to be the
> most well-thought-out language I’ve ever experienced.  I make basic &
> intermediate programming constructs, and the deeper I go, the more
> satisfying the coding experience.  I am confident that I can make reusable
> code in Raku that will be maintainable in 20 years.  The Raku coding
> experience to me is like that of a 12-year-old playing the latest video
> game on a 90” 16K screen.  That’s just how it is.  I don’t mean to
> cheerlead.  I’m sincere.  It promotes “flow”, which encourages me to learn
> and produce more.  Perl had that “flow” characteristic too, and Raku
> inherited it.
> The first release was Christmas 2015, launching with a small ecosystem
> <https://modules.raku.org/>.  Now it is growing with many useful modules
> (Web Services, DevOps, etc.).  The community is active, very patient,
> civil, and spot-on-helpful.
> Raku is a big language.  I’m really hoping one or more of the superstars
> of Raku will publish “Idiomatic Raku: Parallelism, Concurrency, &
> Asynchrony”, “Idiomatic Raku: *This*”, “Idiomatic Raku: *That*”, etc.  A
> big language like this would benefit from more guidance.  Random blogs
> regularly publish brilliant Raku ideas, but it is a challenge to
> catalog/archive them.  I do hope for more expert knowledge sharing.
> I think Larry Wall’s ambition was to make a “100 year” language.
> Personally I can see that in Raku (until Quantum perhaps).  Raku has legs.
> It probably isn’t positioned for the popularity contests of today, but I
> think that it has much more promise than people are aware of.
> Try building a website or a web service in Cro <https://cro.services/> to
> see the utility of Raku first hand.
> Mark
> *From:* Radhakrishnan Venkataraman <weor...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 14, 2020 11:04
> *To:* l...@dijkmat.nl
> *Cc:* perl6-us...@perl.org
> *Subject:* just curious to know
> Hi,
> I had been a perl 5.0 user in the past.  Ever since perl 6.0 was
> announced, I waited, like many, indefinitely.  At last perl 6.0 has just
> started from its starting block and is also in the race.  I am happy about
> that.
> Perl 5.0 was generally termed to be good at CGI scripting, system
> administration, web scraping, strong regex, processing text files etc.,
> I want to know what perl 6 is so special in.  When perl 5.0 was there,
> there did not exist any other language to do the same things easily as perl
> 5.0 did. Similarly, in which areas perl 6 is special?  I am unable to know
> it from google search, as much information is not available.
> Further, if concurrency and parallelism are the special things in perl 6,
> then Rust and Go (so special in both concurrency and parallelism) are
> already spreading its wings over the information technology field.  Both
> are statically typed and compiled languages and there would be more
> "welcome gesture" for these languages in the field.
> To put my question simply, where is the space for perl 6 in today's
> technology?
> Please enlighten me (any body from user group) on this.
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> Radhakrishnan

Aureliano Guedes
skype: aureliano.guedes
contato:  (11) 94292-6110
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