
I just updated to Rakudo-2020.06, and while updating many of my
modules to their latest versions I saw an error installing/updating
(Raku) LibCurl. Below, the first few lines of the error seen with
LibCurl::Easy (and EasyHandle):

===> Testing: LibCurl:ver<1.0>:auth<github:CurtTilmes>:api<1>
[LibCurl] # Failed test 'LibCurl::EasyHandle module can be use-d ok'
[LibCurl] # at t/01-load.t line 6
[LibCurl] # Cannot load native library 'libcurl.so.4'
[LibCurl] # Failed test 'LibCurl::Easy module can be use-d ok'
[LibCurl] # at t/01-load.t line 8
[LibCurl] # ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
[LibCurl] # Cannot load native library 'libcurl.so.4'
[LibCurl] # at 

So one caveat is that this install is on an OS which many would
consider to be "MacOS.10.ancient" [I'm posting here and not on Github
because we seem to have a number of Mac users on this mailing-list].
But the fact of the matter is Raku LibCurl:ver<0.9> worked just fine
with Rakudo-2020.02.1. Furthermore, now that I've downgraded back to
Raku LibCurl:ver<0.9>, LibCurl::Easy works once again on the latest
Rakudo-2020.06. So I really feel the problem is with LibCurl:ver<1.0>
on Macs, and not my particular install.

Questions for Mac-heads: Do newer versions of MacOS still install
LibCurl as part of the OS? Where does that reside? I know I have
libcurl in the following directories, however 'libcurl.so.4' is
conspicuously absent:


Are Mac-users able to use (Raku) LibCurl:ver<1.0> on their (newer)
systems? FYI, I've installed curl independently of MacOS via either
MacBrew or MacPorts, and in fact MacBrew reports upon attempting to
update: "Warning: curl 7.71.1 is already installed and up-to-date".

Any help appreciated, Thx, Bill.

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