Thank you, Joe, for taking the time to write such a cogent reply. And
thanks to Tobias and everyone else who has taken the time to reply to my

On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 3:38 PM Joseph Brenner <> wrote:

> William Michels wrote:
> >I actually wondered where the different programming paradigms
> >would be delineated
> I think were the present topic has to do more with the
> strong/weak/gradual typing debates-- here Raku is doing an
> automatic type conversion that a "strong-typing" fanatic
> would sneer at.  Though, the way this behavior is implemented
> is via the "(almost) everything is an object" philosophy
> that Tobias was describing.
> William Michels wrote:
> > split() performs an implied join of Array elements
> Yes, that's right, because split is a *string* method, it's as
> though you called .Str on the array first.

Playing devil's-advocate here, I don't *know* that split() is a string
method. For all I know, there could be a form of split() which splits on
bytes, or graphemes, or nulls. I can, for example, split on nulls:
 split("\0"). Does that properly qualify as a string method? If I call
split("\0").WHAT, I'm told I've produced a (Seq), not a string. So when do
I *know* that Raku's split() is confined to string substrates? (Substrate
is a biochemistry term but I'm sure you get the .gist).

What about awk that can apparently split on bytes? Does Raku behave like
awk? Or Golang which has a split function that acts on bytes? Does Raku
behave like Golang? What about Python that (apparently) can't split on
bytes without a prior .decode() step? Is Raku more capable than Python? Or
maybe Raku's split() is analogous to Elixir's .slice/x, where a data
structure can be "split" into 2 or 3 or x Int parts. Does Raku's split()
act like Elixr's .slice? And if Raku's split() acts like Elixr's .slice,
who's to say it doesn't act element-wise on each element of an array?

What would you *want* to happen when someone treats an array as a
> string?
>    my @monsters = < blob kong mothera fingfangfoom >;
>    put @monsters;        # blob kong mothera fingfangfoom
>    say "{ @monsters }";  # blob kong mothera fingfangfoom

Again, I don't know anything about Raku's storage model. Does Raku
efficiently pack arrays like PDL (Perl Data Language)? Even if it doesn't,
surely the double-quotes and commas are screen-sugar, decorating print
calls but otherwise not stored with the object. I might imagine that each
element of a Raku array is separated by an ASCII record separator: US
(ASCII_31). So when I call Raku's split(), it applies split to each element
of the array, and leaves the US record separator (ASCII_31) untouched:

> What Raku does is a DWIM move: it joins the array on spaces when
> you use the array as a string.  So these do the same things:
>    my $s1 = @monsters.Str;
>    my $s2 = @monsters.join(" ");
>    dd( $s1 );  # Str $s1 = "blob kong mothera fingfangfoom"
>    dd( $s2 );  # Str $s2 = "blob kong mothera fingfangfoom"
> You need to use .join explicitly if you want different behavior:
>    my $s3 = @monsters.join(", ");
>    dd( $s3 );  # Str $s3 = "blob, kong, mothera, fingfangfoom"
> All three of these do the same things:
>    my @r1 =  @monsters.split("a");
>    my @r2 =  @monsters.Str.split("a");
>    my @r3 =  @monsters.join(" ").split("a");
> The each result in and array like:
>   ["blob kong mother", " fingf", "ngfoom"]

Yes, but you've overlooked the obvious test, which is, what happens when I
try to split on a character that DOES NOT exist in the array. In that case
I end up destroying my array and creating a single element string. So a
failed split actually joins (code/results below from the Raku REPL):

> say @monsters.Str.split("Z").elems;
> dd @monsters.Str.split("Z");
("blob kong mothera fingfangfoom",).Seq

In this example of yours:
>   my @a = "My Bloody Valentine", "Sonic Youth";
> When you call split on @a, it joins on spaces first (and probably
> inadvertantly, throws away the division between 3 elements),
> then the actual split operation results in 5 elements:
>   @a.split(" ").raku.say;
>   # ("My", "Bloody", "Valentine", "Sonic", "Youth").Seq

Yes, the call above appears to 'flatten' the array, which isn't what I
desired. [ Had I desired to flatten the array, I would probably take a wild
guess and call flat(). ].  But I guess that really isn't the end of it:  if
you try  to do the same call on a comma-separated list using split(",") you
get two different elements joined together, "Valentine Sonic". Meaning
whitespace separated strings (combined with splitting on whitespace) are
special-cased relative to non-whitespace separated strings (combined with
splitting on non-whitespace):

> dd @a
Array @a = ["My Bloody Valentine", "Sonic Youth"]
> dd @a.split(" ")
("My", "Bloody", "Valentine", "Sonic", "Youth").Seq
> dd @a.split(" ").elems

> my @b = "My,Bloody,Valentine", "Sonic,Youth";
[My,Bloody,Valentine Sonic,Youth]
> dd @b.split(",")
("My", "Bloody", "Valentine Sonic", "Youth").Seq
> dd @b.split(",").elems

If I try to write code that takes in arbitrary text and splits on arbitrary
characters, I'll have to write two subs at the very least--one to handle
splitting on whitespace, and the other splitting on non-whitespace.

> You might play with an explicit join to see what it does:
>   my @r;
>   @r = @a.join("|").split(" ");
>   dd( @r ); # Array @r = ["My", "Bloody", "Valentine|Sonic", "Youth"]
> Myself, I think I'd be inclined to loop over the elements, e.g. with map:
>   @r ={ [ .split(" ") ] });
>   dd(@r);
>   # Array @r = [["My", "Bloody", "Valentine"], ["Sonic", "Youth"]]
> That's an array of arrays: two top-level elements,
> each split into 3 and 2 words respectively

> Note: split does stringification because it's intended to be run
> on strings, or things that can become strings-- map doesn't do
> this because it's intended to be run on things like Arrays.  This
> probably is "specced" though not down on the level you're
> probably thinking of: it's not in the "split" documentation, for
> example, because it's not really specific to that method.
> You *could* argue that if you call a string method on an array,
> that's simply a mistake and it should error out.  I think that's
> what "strong-typing" crowd would say-- they would point out you
> might have realized faster what was going on in that case.

Yes, the faster I can dispel my confusion the better. Thanks, Bill.

PS. Thanks also to Bruce Gray, who contributed greatly to this conversation
during our weekly Raku Meetup (online, Zoom).

> On 10/10/20, William Michels <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 1:59 PM Tobias Boege <> wrote:

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