On 12/23/20 4:39 PM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
1) why is it "$needle" and not "$!needle" on line 338?
    Is this because it is an internal variable and not
    a variable from the class declaration?

Got it

It's a parameter from line 337. If that's what you mean by
"an internal variable", then yes. :)

Apparently some other programming language do not give your
the option of internal variables in side class declarations:
everything is visable

2) where is variable ".value" defined on line 338?
    What kind of variable is .value?

I don't see a `.value`, only a `$!value`. But if I did, and had that
sort of name, it would typically be a method call that returns an
attribute of the same name -- like `$!value`.

Is this .self with a better name?

3) the first "Str:D" goes to what on line 337?  To .value?

No, to the invocant.

Would you define "invocant" so I stop guessing?

4) Is .value the default, if there is no name given?

I don't see a `.value`, nor what you mean by "name".

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