Le Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 01:20:45PM +0000, Wesley Peng a écrit :
> Replacing Bash scripts with Raku? That’s an interesting thing

Well ... replacing bash is always a good thing but raku is not
always the rhs of the substitution (could be dash/mksh/rc,
make/mk, C, ...).

raku is now my tool of choice when

* manipulexity is important
* performance is not

The way i see the talk is:

* show how to do simple things ($PATH vs $RAKULIB, ...)
* show similarities (if you're confortable with feature X,
  then raku's Y will makes you happy)
* show some pro and cons (Shell vs Raku)

> Can Linux be shipped with Raku by default?

    apt install rakudo

Is possible from the stable debian but i don't think it's a good idea
to have it as part of the default install (in a sense that there should
be nothing bigger than dash/busybox/toybox in the default install).

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