On 12/11/23 13:39, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 12/11/23 00:55, Kevin Pye wrote:
Seriously Todd? "What is a digit?" The characters '0' to '9' are digits.
  (Unicode probably has a whole lot of others, but those will do for the

Yes seriously.  Does '9' have the ascii value of 57 or the
binary value of 9?  Or do you mean a single character?
Would 'a' also be a digit?  Or are digits limited to
ascii 48 to 57 or binary 0 to 9?

Maybe this will make more sense to my question:

[0] > say chr(57)

[0] > say ord("9")

I am dealing with a string, which is a collection of
characters.  `"9"` in not a number.  It is a character
(ascii 57) that "looks" like a number to the human eye.
This is why I wanted to know what you meant by "digit".

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