On 6 Feb 2024, at 00:39, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-us...@perl.org> 

Hi All,

Is there a way to syntax a module?  Sort of like the "-c"
option on main programs?

Many thanks,

On 2/6/24 01:34, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> $ raku -c foo.rakumod
> Syntax OK

$ raku -c WinMessageBox.pm6
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/CDs/Windows/NtUtil/WinMessageBox.pm6
Could not find NativeConvert in:
at /home/CDs/Windows/NtUtil/WinMessageBox.pm6:50

$ which NativeConvert.pm6
and three other pm.6's WinMessageBox imports.

I can only compile check my modules if I
import them to a program and -c the program.

For example, the following program uses
the above module:
    $ raku -c CobianWrapper.pl6
    Syntax OK

I just want to do a syntax check on my modules
at time without the program.


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