Using my quick-intuition, are these methods sorting on the earliest number
withing the string, ignoring the non-digits?

$ raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort: {m/ \d+ /.Int}'
$ raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort: +*.match: / \d+ /'

let's see

$ raku -e '.say for <say31 what20 the30letters40 does2 not3 it1
matter10>.sort: {m/ \d+ /.Int}'

What's been interesting about this thread is not only the variety of
solutions, also that the solutions are for two different questions-

how to sort by alpha & numeric segments (b3b, a1a, c20c) =>  (a1a, b3b, c2c)
how to sort by a numeric segment only (b3b, a1a, c20c) =>  (a1a, b3b, c20c)


On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 4:40 PM Ralph Mellor <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 7:01 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
> <> wrote:
> > >> $ raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort(*.split(/\d+/,
> :kv).map({ (try .Numeric) // $_}).List)'
> > >>
> > >> Yippee!
> > > raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort: { .comb(/ \d+ | \D+
> /).map({ .Int // .self }).cache };'
> >
> > Awesome!  Now I have two different methods!
> And now 4:
> $ raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort: {m/ \d+ /.Int}'
> bk1
> bk2
> bk10
> bk34
> or, same logic, but spelled differently:
> $ raku -e '.say for <bk10 bk34 bk2 bk1>.sort: +*.match: / \d+ /'
> bk1
> bk2
> bk10
> bk34
> --
> love, raiph

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