At 10:10 PM 11/13/2001 -0500, Ken Fox wrote:
>Who owns the bytecode format? How do I propose changes?

Nobody in particular at the moment, and note your change proposals to 
the  list.

>I need
>a "scope definition" section. Each scope is assigned a per-module
>id. I'm not sure what info is needed yet, but certainly a size
>and a code ref (opcode address) for the DESTROY sub.

For scopes you'll probably also need a template lexical scratchpad ID.

>The control stack isn't used for much

yet. :)

>and it would simplify my
>code a lot if we combine the frame stack with the control stack.

The control stack is for things the interpreter needs to track. More will 
go on it--local() restore information, scope markers (for scope cleanup), 
scoped locks, possibly exception handler markers (though I'm not sure about 
that yet)--a fair amount of stuff. It would seem appropriate for your frame 
information to go on it.

>The only down-side I think will be with hand-coded assembler.

I wouldn't worry too much about the hand-coded stuff.

>Anybody care if I subsume the control stack?

No. Or, rather, use the control stack for what you're doing.

>Lastly, does anybody care if I change how assembler directives
>are registered?

No. I like the leading period directives. It's either that or ALL-UPPERCASE 
directives, and that's kind of ugly.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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