Peter Haworth:
# On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 17:45:58 +0000, Graham Barr wrote:
# > On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:32:49AM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
# > > #                 rx_setprops P0, "i", 2
# > > #                 branch $start0
# > > #         $advance:
# > > #                 rx_advance P0, $fail
# > > #         $start0:
# > > #                 rx_literal P0, "a", $advance
# > > #
# > > # First, we set the rx engine to case-insensitive. Why is
# that bad? It's
# > > # setting a runtime property for what should be compile-time
# > > # unicode-character-kung-fu. Assuming your "CPU" knows
# what the gritty
# > > # details of unicode in the first place just feels wrong,
# but I digress.
# > >
# > > That "i" does a once-off case-folding operation on the
# target string.
# > > All other input to the engine MUST already be case-folded
# for speed.
# >
# > Hm, is that going to work ? What about a rx like
# /^a(?i:b)C/ where the
# > case insensitivity only applies to part of the pattern ?
# Or worse, in /^a(b)c/i, where you want to capture the
# original character,
# not the case-folded version?

Parentheses just record a pair of indices, not a string.

--Brent Dax
Parrot Configure pumpking and regex hacker
Check out the Parrot FAQ: (no,
it's not mine)

<obra> mmmm. hawt sysadmin chx0rs
<lathos> This is sad. I know of *a* hawt sysamin chx0r.
<obra> I know more than a few.
<lathos> obra: There are two? Are you sure it's not the same one?

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