Is C<\n> going to be a rule (e.g. C<< <eol> >>) or is it implicitly
translated to:


If it's the latter, then what does this do?


Do I get


Or do I get


If the former (which I assume is the case), how do I get the latter
without having to know what the C<...> is, above?

Along those lines, will


work, or should I expect that to be an error because C<\n> is no longer
an actual character class.

Hmm... this is a slippery slope. That gets me thinking about

        rule roundascii { <[a-hjm-uB-DGJO-SU23568-0]> }
        $roundor7 = rx /<[<roundascii>17]>/;

or do I have to

        $roundor7 = rx /<roundorascii>|<[17]>/;

Which seems somewhat clunky and less efficient.

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