Kevin Falcone wrote:

>>>>>>"LT" == Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> LT> Leon Brocard (via RT) wrote:
>>># New Ticket Created by  Leon Brocard # Please include the string:
>>>[perl #17159]

> LT> Either remove -fno-common or do something like this:
> Apple's perl5.6.0 has the following in ccflags, and we have it in the
> hints file, so that is why it appears.
> [pitmac:~/cvs/parrot] falcone% perl -MConfig -le 'print $Config{ccflags}'
> -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -flat_namespace -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE 

I see.

> If I take -fno-common out of the main Makefile for parrot, then make
> shared and make for imcc die with weird ld errors (undefined symbols
> for _mail and ___eprintf).  So, I don't know if removing -fno-common
> is a viable solution.

Ok then I'll clean up thess globals. I'm only slightly hesitating (we 
are just about preparing a big patch), if I should try to get this 
change in, before the rest comes.

Could you try my second proposal?

> -kevin

thanks for reporting this,

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