John Porter wrote:
> Immediately whereupon he took advantage of the
> highest-visibility vehicle available to him, the p6i summary, to
> pillory me.
> Now, I tend to think that that was an abuse of power, considering
> he is completely unaccountable to anyone for what he writes there.

This seems to be bending the truth more than a little. The comment to 
which you're taking offense appears only in the version of the summary 
that was posted to the list. In that respect, the only platform from 
which it was voiced was that message to the list - you've demonstrated 
yourself that anyone can post their opinion to the list, and so to claim 
that Piers' postings carry more weight than anyone else's is silly.

The vehicle in which the comment was carried is one that you have access 
to as well, and one which you are quite accustomed to using to voicing 
your opinions.


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