On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Dan Kogai wrote:
: Objection, your honor.
: perl5 ($x & $y) might be uncommon enough to justify this.  But how 
: about &= vs. &&=, |= vs. ||= ?  Those are both used very often so by 
: saving one symbol we lose consistency.

Ouch.  You're right.  That's a bit of a problem for bits($x | $y) too.


    @a ^|||= 1;
    @a ^bor= 1;
    @a ^.|= 1;

Yow.  Those are all pretty ugly.  But the first one is the least ugly.
And I really do like | for any().  And I can see using it like this:

    @cases ^|= @newcases;

to mean

    for @cases | @newcases -> $x is rw | $y {
        $x = any($x, $y);

Another question is whether using a superposition to represent parallel
streams in "for" is doing the "any" concept too much violence.  Really,
it's more of a hyper-any, at least on the left:

    for @cases ^| @newcases -> $x is rw | $y {...}

But note that ^& automatically gives us the shorter of the two lists.


Just thinking...  :-)


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