On Monday, October 28, 2002, at 01:57  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
If we're going to kill the alternate radix literals, better to do
something like hex:123 or hex "123". I'd hate to try to comprehend
$a = -x:123;
more than a week from now.
That x:123 part was my placeholder -- my bad, I forgot that was there when I was copying it. Yes, I think more likely scenarios would be

0b0110 or bin:0110
0c0123 or oct:0123
0x0123 or hex:0123

And almost certainly the former, not the latter. I'll put 0b, 0c, 0x for now (assuming we don't want 0o0123, which looks too, um, loopy.)

Dan Sugalski wrote:
While we're at it, maybe we can add in 0rMCM to allow roman numerals too...
OK, see, the sad thing is that I really have no idea whether you're joking or not. That's how wiggy this thread has gotten.


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