Scott Duff wrote:

Very nice. The n-ary "zip" operator.
Um ... could we have a zip functor as well?
Yes, I expect so. Much as C<|>, C<&>, and C<^> will be operator versions
of C<any>, C<all>, and C<one>.

And I'd suggest that it be implemented something like:

	sub zip(ARRAY *@sources; $by = 1) {
	    if exists $by && all(@sources).isa(PAIR) {
	        warn "Useless 'by' argument (every array already has a count)";
	    else {
                for @sources { $_ = $_=>$by unless .isa(PAIR) }
            my @zipped;
	    while any(@sources).key {
	         push @zipped, splice(.key, 0, .value) for @sources;
            return @zipped;

> So, in the spirit of timtowtdi:
	for zip(@a,@b,@c) -> $x,$y,$z { ... }		# one at a time
	for zip(@a,@b,@c,3) -> $x,$y,$z { ... }		# three at a time
As implied above, I think the N-at-a-time behaviour would be better
mediated by an optional named parameter. So that second one should be:

 	for zip(@a,@b,@c,by=>3) -> $x,$y,$z { ... }     # three at a time

Or if we generalized zip() a little:

	for weave(@a,2,@b,1) -> $x,$y,$z { ... }

Which would take 2 elements from @a, and one from @b, until both
arrays were exhausted.
As Buddha Buck suggested elsewhere, and as I have coded above,
I would imagine that this functionality would be mediated by pairs
and merged into a single C<zip> function. So that last example is just:

 	for zip(@a=>2,@b=>1) -> $x,$y,$z { ... }


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