On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:

> Shouldn't the get_number() method use string_from_num, instead of
> calling sprintf/snprintf?

 I've just tried this, and a number of tests break. There seem to be two
 main reasons. Firstly, some tests were assuming that stringified PerlNums
 would always include six digits following the decimal point, including
 trailing zeros; in other words, 1.1 would be printed as 1.100000
 It seems unwise to rely on this being the case (particularly since the
 tests in question are generally of arithmetic ops, and not of the
 sprintf system), so I've tweaked the tests slightly to avoid this
 particular issue.

 The second problem is that string_to_num doesn't seem to create strings
 with sufficient precision in some cases. For instance:

   new P0, .PerlNum
   set P0, 1234.5678911
   print P0
   print "\n"



 while the corresponding version using FLOATs prints:


 NB The problem does seem to arise at the stage where the string is
 created for printing, since:

   new P0, .PerlNum
   set P0, 1234.5678911
   sub P0, 1234
   print P0
   print "\n"



 Anyway, the list of tests that fail is:

 Failed Test        Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/op/arithmetics.t    2   512    40    2   5.00%  25 29
t/pmc/perlstring.t    1   256    17    1   5.88%  1
t/pmc/pmc.t           7  1792    89    7   7.87%  31-32 48-49 85-87
20 subtests skipped.


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