I'm currently trying to put together a first draft of PDD 11 (extensions)
 based on extend.pod plus the comments in extend.c and I've got a few

[NB. I've dropped the Parrot_PMC prefixes below to save typing]

 i) We have _get_string, _get_pointer, _get_intval, _get_numval,
    _get_cstring and _get_cstringn. We also have intkey variants of
    all of these, _except_ for _get_string. Is this missing deliberately,
    or was this just an oversight?

 ii) The only way we have to access keyed aggregates is via intkeys.
     Shouldn't we also be able to access them using strings or PMCs
     as keys? [We do, after all, have the vtable functions to allow

 iii) At the moment, to create a new PMC, you need to know its internal
      identifier number. You can retrieve this using Parrot_PMC_typenum
      if you know the name of the PMC that you want to create, but what
      do you do if you're just handed a PMC and you want to say 'Create
      me a PMC of the same type as this one'?


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