On Fri, 7 May 2004, Simon Glover wrote:
> On Fri, 7 May 2004, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > I'm trying to find documentation on how to write PMCs. I can find lots of
> > PMCs in the source tree, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to
> > go about writing them, or what the various fields and flags do.
> >
> > For example, the string PMC_data occurs in many source files, but as far
> > as I can tell nowhere in any documentation files, and there aren't many
> > comments about it in include/parrot/pobj.h
> >
> > I don't find any documentation saying "if you do this you'll need to do that
> > in a destructor else you'll leak".
> >
> > Am I missing something obvious?
>  No. The closest we have to something like this is probably the stuff
>  written by Mike Scott for the Wiki:
>   http://www.vendian.org/parrot/wiki/bin/view.cgi/Main/ParrotDiagramsPMC
>  (Well, that plus the comments in pobj.h, which are somewhat opaque.)
>  If no-one else volunteers, I'll try to put together something like this,
>  as we do need it, but I'm unlikely to have sufficient tuits until the
>  end of May :-(

 Sorry to follow-up to myself, but I've thought of a few other things
 that are probably worth loooking at. First, PDD04 (datatypes) has
 some info on PMC internals, although this is incomplete, and possibly
 out of date...

 Second, when you come to implement the various vtable methods, you should
 probably look at PDD02, which is the closest thing to a comprehensive
 overview that we have, although I don't think it includes anything about
 the recent MMD-related changes that Dan has announced.


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