Midnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Under windows (I didn't try on unix), yy_init is not reinitialised after
> yyparse call. It is not possible to compile parrot assembler two times
> in the same process because the static variable yy_init in imclexer.c is
> set to 0 after the first parsing.

$ grep -w yy_init imcc/*.c
imcc/imclexer.c:static int yy_init = 1;         \
                                /* whether we need to initialize */
imcc/imclexer.c:        if ( yy_init )
imcc/imclexer.c:                yy_init = 0;

This is generated code from imcc.l. Setting this variable seems to have
no effect at all. And it *is* of course possible to compile multiple
source files, e.g. C<load_bytecode> is doing that.


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