On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 09:44:56AM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Whatever you'll try the current scheme is not compatible with this GTK 
> callback. Parrot needs a PMC as user_data. GTK awaits a GObject.

> Yes. But draining the event queue still needs a running Parrot runloop. 

This made me remember that Ive tried sometime ago another of those gtk
callback installer function that is g_signal_connect_data (wich is what
the #defined g_signal_connect uses actually. That didn't broke, or even
freeze the app, or else.. but it was "say" actually working.. o well..

Mainly Ive traced it to be sure and indeed, parrot is properly called each
time the button pressed.  Just that, as you say, parrot piles it up in its
event queue.. and never takes it, since its busy "doing gtk_main".

Well at least I know for sure how the whole callback scheme works now in
parrot and can go try this:

> >Otherwise, already thaught of actually unrolling the gtk_main function
> >and have it handled/implemented within parrot directly (mainly gtk_main
> >simply loops and waits on the gtk event queue). 
> That's the way to go.

! :)

# -- Gtk Button Example.

.sub _gtkcallback
  print "Hello\n"

.sub _main @MAIN
  .include "glib.pasm"
  .include "gtk.pasm"

  .local pmc window
  .local pmc button
  .local pmc callback
  .local pmc userdata

  .local NCI init 
  init = global "Gtk::gtk_init"

  # -- create the window
  .local NCI w_new
  w_new = global "Gtk::gtk_window_new"
  window = w_new(0)

  # -- create the button
  .local NCI b_new
  b_new = global "Gtk::gtk_button_new_with_label"
  button = b_new("Parrot")

  # -- install callback?
  .local pmc cb_sub
  cb_sub = global "_gtkcallback"
  userdata = new Integer
  userdata = 42

  callback = new_callback cb_sub, userdata, "pU"

  # -- function sig is "'lptppi', then we have:
  #    P5 is the button
  #    P6 the callback
  #    P7 data we may to pass through.
  #    S5 "clicked"
  #    I5 is 0
  # -- Uncomment this section to actually install the callback
  # -- (this segfaulst on my system)
  .local NCI sig_conn
  sig_conn = global "Glib::g_signal_connect_data"
  sig_conn(button, "clicked", callback, userdata, 0, 0)

  # -- Set the container.
  .local NCI cont_add 
  cont_add = global "Gtk::gtk_container_add"
  cont_add(window, button)

  # -- show button
  .local NCI w_show
  w_show = global "Gtk::gtk_widget_show"

  # -- show window

  .local NCI g_main
  g_main = global "Gtk::gtk_main"

loadlib P1, 'libgtk-x11-2.0'
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_init', 'vii'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_init', P2
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_main', 'vv'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_main', P2
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_widget_show', 'vp'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_widget_show', P2
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_container_add', 'vpp'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_container_add', P2
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_button_new_with_label', 'pt'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_button_new_with_label', P2
dlfunc P2, P1, 'gtk_window_new', 'pi'
store_global 'Gtk::gtk_window_new', P2
loadlib P1, 'libgobject-2.0'
dlfunc P2, P1, 'g_signal_connect_data', 'lptpPii'
store_global 'Glib::g_signal_connect_data', P2

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