On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 08:43:08AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> I'd suggest looking at the t/op/re_tests file from Perl 5.  It's based
> on the test suite that originally came with Henry Spencer's regular
> expression package.  It would, of course, need to be translated and
> extended, but it contains a lot of torturous tests for the standard
> rx behavior.  And it's all just a table of tests and results, so no
> Perl code at all.

And, in fact, eventually it'd be nice to have a Parrot-based test
harness for this, since the rules are going to be compiled into Parrot
subroutines (or objects) and executed from there.  Basically read 
patterns/test cases from the table, call the "p6ge" compiler on each pattern,
and run the test targets and output the results.  


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