Good evening,

I am trying to use cpansmoke but I have a couple of issues

1) How can I say if I don't want to test a class of modules ?
     non of the Win32::* modules as I am on linux
     no Oracle related modules as I have no Oracle

2) How can I run smoking on a machine that does not get e-mails
   from the CPAN Tester list ?

3) Report issues that seem to originate from CPANPLUS actually.
  e.g. this one:
  Can't coerce array into hash at
  line 169

I hope someone will answer these questions and render my newly uploaded
module unnecessary at all. In case there is no easy or good solution to
the above, or you just want to spend your free time on some useless
material you might try CPAN::Nargile. It is a front-end to cpansmoke that
uses the recent module list from to decide which module to test.
One day it will try to address the above issues unless someone explains
me how can I do it with the existing tools.

Your input is appreciated


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