On Nov 8, 2004, at 2:47 AM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Jeff Clites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What pasm is supposed to correspond to this snippet of Python code
(assume this is inside a function, so these can be considered to be
local variables):

        a = 7
        b = 12
        c = a + b

Run it through pie-thon. It should produce some reasonable code. For leaf-functions (w/o introspection i.e. calls to locals()), the lexical handling would get dropped. And a better translator would use lexical opcodes by index and not by name.

It doesn't do-the-right-thing in the cases I'm interested in:

% cat pythonClass.py
class A:
        def __add__(x,y) : return "boo"

x = A()
y = x + 3
print y
% python pythonClass.py
% perl pie-thon.pl pythonClass.py | ./parrot --python -
Can't find method '__get_number' for object 'py::A'

It looks like it's trying to get the float-value of x, rather than calling x's __add__ method.

But the part I was really wondering about is the "a + b". This is what pie-thon.pl produces for that (you can just run it on the code fragment "a + b"--it doesn't matter the context):

        $P1 = new PerlInt               # BINARY_ADD
        $P1 = a + b

corresponding pasm:

        find_global P18, "a"
        find_global P17, "b"
        new P16, 32      # .PerlInt
        add P16, P18, P17

That's what worries me, and what prompted the question. You don't know at compile-time that the return type should be a PerlInt. It could be anything--it's really up to "a". This is regarding my concern that the p_p_p ops aren't very useful (in Python at least), and I can't figure out what we should be using instead.

So I'm still left wondering, how *should* this compile?


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