Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Okay, I'm confused, I thought that the whole point of a caller saves,
>> continuation passing regime was that the caller only saves what it's
>> interested in using after the function returns.
> We don't have a problem WRT register preservation, the problem arises
> due to register re-using.
>> ... Exactly *where* that
>> return happens, and whether it happens more than once, is completely
>> irrelevant from the point of view of the caller.
> The return can only happen, where the normal function call would have
> returned, but anyway.
>> ... ISTM that the register
>> allocator should work on the principle that anything it didn't save
>> before it made the call will be toast afterwards.
> Yes. But - please remember your example "Fun with nondeterministic searches".
> Here's the relevant piece of code from main:
>    arr1=[1,3,5]
>    arr2=[1,5,9]
>    x = choose(arr1)
>    y = choose(arr2)
>    $P0 = find_lex "fail"
>    $P0()
> You know, both "choose" calls capture the continuation and backtrack via
> "fail" (basically). But the register allocator isn't aware of that. The
> control flow graph (CFG) is linear top down, with new basic blocks
> starting after each function call. "arr2" is obviously used around a
> call and allocated in the preserved (non-volatile) register area. This
> works fine.
> Now the register allocator assigns a register to "$P0". It finds the
> register that "arr2" had usable, because in a linear CFG, there's no way
> that "arr2" might be used again. So that register is considered being
> available. Now if $P0 happens to get the register that "arr2" had,
> backtracking through the call to "fail()" obviously fails, as "arr2" is
> now the Closure PMC. And that was exactly the case.

Ah! [a light goes on over Piers's head].

>> Or am I missing something fundamental?
> I don't know ;) 

I was. Hmm... bugger. So, unless we make the register allocator solve
the halting problem, the rule becomes "If you're playing silly beggars
with continuations and you're expecting to get at something in a
'surprising' way, stuff it in a lexical or we guarantee that you will be
anally violated by an enraged waterbuffalo that's just sick to death of

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