* "H.Merijn Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-12-14T11:28:19]
> About spaces, another thing springs to mind, for which I would gladly kill the
> responsible people to allow it (I bet M$ was the first to push it): Spaces in
> database table and field names. DON'T! NEVER! Once you start it, you will
> never be able to escape the quicksands of (incompatible) quotation and
> unportability of your scripts, be that in sql, sh, perl/dbi, hli, or e/sql

SELECT rsUniqueId
FROM   [SQL-ABCdatabase2K]..tblsTABLE as t
JOIN   [SQL-ABCdatabase2K]..tblwPRODUCT p ON p."ABC P/N" = t.rsProductCode
WHERE  p.id IN (SELECT ItemIdentifier FROM tblSomeIds)



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