On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 09:40:15AM +0200, B糠TH績I Andr嫳 wrote:
> Can somebody point me to a link, what is ITypes about? As I guess from 
> the archives, there is VTypes and ITypes, the first is the "virtual" (V 
> means variable?) type of a variable (this is about how can you use it in 
> your program), the second is the "internal" (I means implementation) 
> type of the variable (this is about how is it stored in the memory). Am 
> I totally wrong?

'fraid so. :)

ITypes refer to "Implementation Types"; see the same-named section in S06.
It is the equivalent of Tie and other Magics in Perl 5.

VTypes refer to "Value Types", such as "Int".  The relationship between
IType and VType namespaces is not clear to me.

My current hypothesis is that every VType has a corresponding, same-named
IType, that acts as a container restricting the incoming STORE calls to 
valid VType, either by casting or throwing an exception where it is
impossible to cast.  I may be totally wrong here, though.


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