On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 10:04:42PM +0300, Roie Marianer wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 April 2005 12:03 am, you wrote:
> > I would rather give you commit rights (we give them out quite
> > liberally) and you could apply it yourself actually. But you should
> > first test your patch against the latest SVN revision since many many
> > many things have changed the past few days.
> Sorry for the long delay in responding. I was busy with work, life, and also 
> installing Subversion and making the patch better.

That's wonderful.  If you manage to find some more tuits, please feel
free to drop by #perl6 on irc.freenode.net...

> As it stands, I think it's committable. Are you sure you want to give commit 
> rights to a complete stranger? I thought you'd at least want to see what I 
> did, but it's your project and your rules. :-)

Hey, we have a version control system, a comprehensive test coverage,
and good discussion channels, I think we can afford anarchism. :-)

Invitation sent, please commit away.  Welcome aboard!


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