On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 03:00:15PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
> On 5/11/05, Autrijus Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In a somewhat related topic:
> > 
> >     pugs> (1,(2,3),4)[2]
> >     4
> > 
> > Because the invocant to .[] assumes a Singular context.
> Right, but the *inside* of the invocant is still a list, so it's in
> list context.  I think that line should return 3.

Okay.  Here is the current (all-passing) t/data_types/nested_arrays.t:

        my @a = (1,2,[3,4]);
        my $a = (1,2,[3,4]);
        my @b = [1,2,[3,4]];
        my $b = [1,2,[3,4]];
        my @c = (1,2,(3,4));
        my $c = (1,2,(3,4));
        my @d = [1,2,(3,4)];
        my $d = [1,2,(3,4)];

        is([EMAIL PROTECTED], 3, 'Array length, nested []');
        is(+$a, 3, 'Array ref length, nested []');
        is([EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 'Array length, nested [], outer []s');
        is(+$b, 3, 'Array ref length, nested [], outer []s');

        is(+$c, 4, 'Array ref length, nested ()');
        is([EMAIL PROTECTED], 4, 'Array length, nested ()');
        is([EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 'Array length, nested (), outer []s');
        is(+$d, 4, 'Array ref length, nested (), outer []s');

Please sanity-check. :-)


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