parrot (r8016): no change. hangs w/98% cpu. here's the -t output:

parrot -t test_b.pasm
    0 find_global P5, "_foo"   - P5=SArray=PMC(0x7d5a50),
    3 new P2, 18       - P2=PMCNULL,
    6 find_method P0, P2, "thread3"    - P0=PMCNULL,
   10 new P6, 54       - P6=PMCNULL,
   13 set I3, 2        - I3=1,
   16 invoke
   17 set I5, P2       - I5=0, P2=ParrotThread=PMC(0x7d5a08)
   20 getinterp P2     - P2=ParrotThread=PMC(0x7d5a08)
   22 find_method P0, P2, "detach"     - P0=NCI=PMC(0x638620),

The last two pmc's are allocated from a place which is clearly not the pmc
pool arena from which other pmc's are allocated. What's that? Out of pmc's?
So another arena are allocated. Or something else?. Please run the test with
the -d option set either (and send me personally other threads tests outputs).

For some unknown reason the second thread crashes somewhere at the begining,
I presume. Hope -d option would reveal the reason.

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