At 4:15 PM -0700 7/10/06, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 06:09:32PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 However, for those who cannot make it on Sunday, I notice that Monday and
 Tuesday at OSCON are primarily dedicated for tutorial sessions, so people
 arriving after Sunday and/or not attending or presenting tutorials can
 perhaps continue hacking activities on those days...?

I think it'd be great to maintain a hackathon designated location for those
who are between tutorials, or who like me just show up during tutorial days
for the hell of it.  :-)

Barring a better idea, I suggest paying attention to the parallel "OSCAMP" un-conference, which does or will have space designated for it in the convention center, Monday to Thursday.

See .

That web page indicates some specific locations like E141 + E142 as 1 room for monday-tuesday, and D146 for wednesday-thursday. Using a pipe+curtained section of the exhibit hall was also mentioned.

We could make use of OSCAMP as a venue for hackathoning, as I wouldn't be surprised if that venue attracts other similar-minded invididuals, some whom might join with us.

Or if that place becomes too busy, maybe somewhere else.

Watch out for their schedule page though, which while mentioning some general free events like the Damian's tuesday night event, it doesn't mention Larry's earlier one, and who wants to miss the Onion?

On a related matter, I highly recommend that those of us at the conference sign into #perl6 on our portables and leave it open all the time, so in case we need to locate each other physically (something I found difficult last year), we could easily ping each other in the forum for that purpose. Or we could have another IRC channel for that, but most of us are in #perl6 anyway so I would think that is easier.

-- Darren Duncan

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