Am Donnerstag, 28. September 2006 12:47 schrieb Karl Forner:
> I suppose that again it is a trivial question, but I did not manage to find
> the answer by myself in the documentation.
> So I want for example to call diretly the "elements" method on a
> FixedBooleanArray
> I tried
>    pmc.elements()
>    pmc."elements"()
>    pmc._elements()
>    pmc.__elements()
> But it did not work...

Exactly. Due to asymmetry of methods and vtables, the latter are not 
accessible as methods. You have to use the equivalent opcode:

  $I0 = elements ar_pmc

But you can code a PIR wrapper for it:

.namespace ['FixedBooleanArray']
.sub 'elements' :method
   $I0 = elements self
   .return ($I0)

usable as:

  $I0 = ar_pmc.'elements'()

> In fact, what I really want to do, for debugging purposes, is to add a
> custom method in the FixedBooleanArray.pmc (e.g get_allocated_size() ) and
> be able to call it
> from PIR test code.

As you need PMC internals for this, you'd have to add it to the .pmc itself 

  METHOD INTVAL get_allocated_size() {
     return PMC_int_val2(SELF);  /* or whatever */

> Thanks
> Karl Forner


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