Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Class inheritance from PMCs is very static still (like PMC-only cases). I hope 
that the :vtable patches will provide the base for a better solution. For now, 
you can only implement the mssing _integer_keyed cases in Match so that default 
isn't triggered. We could of course remove the defaults too, but that would 
need a very complete set of these keyed vtables on all PMCs.
Or how about removing them from default.pmc and having an extra attribute specifiable on PMCs like "auto_keyed" (uh, somebody please think of a less naff name) that generates missing keyed methods for those PMCs that want them.

I discovered the same issue when implementing :vtable, and it can produce some misleading error messages - you get a "no get_integer_keyed" error when you know full well the code is doing a get_integer_keyed_int.


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