On Wednesday 21 February 2007 21:21, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> 1.  The t/library/pg.t tests require libpq.so to be installed
> in order to run -- should I be testing ('make fulltest') with
> this library installed?

They should skip without the library installed; if that doesn't work on your 
platform, there's a problem with the test.

I did notice that with libpq.so, they had a problem with init_pmc, but I fixed 
that and they should all work now.  It would be good for someone with 
PostgreSQL installed and running to run them.

> More generally, is there a specific set of platforms I should
> be performing 'make fulltest' on prior to release?  And do I
> need to be maximizing test coverage by making sure certain
> libraries or capabilities are available on my test platform(s)?
> The libpg.o is one example... but what about things such as
> ICU, readline, and the like?
> Again, it's no problem for me to install the libraries -- I'm
> just curious about the correct procedure so I can document it
> for later release managers.)
> 2.  In r17137, I'm getting one test failure from 'make fulltest':
> Failed Test          Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>---- t/pmc/pmethod_test.t    1   256     2    1  2
> Anyone know anything more about this failure, and should it just
> be marked 'TODO' or shall I see about fixing it?

Works for me on x86 Linux.

> 4.  Anyone have a good name for the release?  I'm satisfied with
>     leaving 0.4.9 unnamed unless there's a sense that we really
>     need to name it (in which case I'll come up with one or
>     accept suggestions from others :-).


I claim Yellow Rosella for my turn.

-- c

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