On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 09:16:46AM -0700, Kevin Tew wrote:
> I'm using this code to dump PGE parse trees in Perl5 dump format.
> Can it get modified/added to HLLCompiler and PCT?
> I'm using it for a research project where the compiler is written in Perl5.
> The compiler translates the PGE parse tree into c++ code which is then 
> compiled.

Instead of adding it to HLLCompiler/PCT, could it be integrated
as a library instead?

Also, perhaps you could make a subclass of HLLCompiler that
provides the additional dump format.  HLLCompiler is intended
to be used this way -- as a class usable for "standard compilers",
but compilers with specialized needs can subclass HLLCompiler and 
override/ add behaviors as desired.


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