On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 12:53:31PM -0700, Bob Rogers wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Bob Rogers 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #52778]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=52778 >
>    As the transcript below shows, Parrot out-Perls even Perl by changing
> the array length when accessing a non-existent element, and not just
> when storing one.  It would be easy enough to give Parrot the same
> behavior as Perl, but it's not clear that that's entirely the right
> thing.  The real question is therefore:  What's the appropriate
> autovivification behavior for the resizable array base classes, which
> presumably ought to be language-agnostic?
> [...]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> cat array-autoviv.pir
> .sub main :main
>       .local pmc array
>       array = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
>       $P0 = array[7]
>       $I0 = array
>       print $I0
>       print "\n"
> .end
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> ./parrot array-autoviv.pir
> 8

Short answer:  The array's length should not change.

Long answer:

I suspect this is residual behavior from earlier implementations
of RPA and friends.  In particular, as recently as September 2007
arrays in Parrot would bind and return Undef PMCs for non-existent
elements, such that one could do:

   .local pmc array
   array = new 'ResizablePMCArray'

   $P0 = array[7]            # get PMC for array[7] (Undef)
   $P0 = 3                   # set array[7] to three

   $P1 = array[7]            # get PMC from array[7]
   say $P1                   # displays "3\n"

In other words, accessing a non-existent element vivified the
element to Undef (which could then be reassigned a value) -- 
thus the length of the array needed to change to reflect this fact.

Newer versions of Parrot now return PMCNULL for non-existent
elements, making them consistent with Hash and other forms
of keyed lookup.  Thus, since we no longer auto-vivify on
accesses to non-existent elements, I suspect the array
length should not change either.

Fixing this shouldn't be all that difficult -- in particular,
I think that src/pmc/resizablepmcarray.pmc lines 205-206 should 
be changed from

-       if (key >= PMC_int_val(SELF))
-           SELF.set_integer_native(key+1);

to something like

+       if (key >= PMC_int_val(SELF))
+           return PMCNULL;

I haven't tested this -- there may be other things that need
to change as well.

Hope this helps,


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