On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 09:38:56PM -0700, Patrick R. Michaud via RT wrote:
> I think this ticket is ready to be closed.  A lot of the PMC_* items
> were likely fixed as part of the pdd15oo change, and the problem I cited
> has apparently been fixed.

Looking a bit further, there are still a few instances of PMC_int_val
in MMD routines in integer.pmc that look suspicious to me.

For example, src/pmc/integer.pmc lines 414-417 read:

        VTABLE_set_number_native(INTERP, SELF,
            PMC_int_val(SELF) + VTABLE_get_number(INTERP, value));

and it's not clear if that PMC_int_val(SELF) needs to be
SELF.get_integer() .

Also, the code itself seems a little inconsistent:  In some 
places we have   SELF.get_integer()  and other places have  
VTABLE_get_integer(INTERP, SELF) -- and it's not entirely clear
why one would be used over the other.  Overall, the sections of
code that I perused seem to lean towards the .get_integer() form.

I don't know if we need similar reviews for string.pmc and float.pmc.
But this ticket seems sort of nebulous -- how will we know when to
close it?


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