The draft Synopsis 29 [*] shows that the .keys, .kv, .pairs,
and .values methods are defined for Array but not List.


However, t/spec/S29-array/kv.t has entries like:

    # (1,).kv works correctly
        my @a = ();
        @a = try { (1,).kv };
        #?pugs 2 todo 'bug'
        is(@a[0],0, "first element is 0");
        is(@a[1],1, "second element is 1");

Of course, (1,) is a List, not an Array, so the above doesn't
work.  Is S29 wrong or the test?

Personally I think it makes sense for .keys, .kv, .pairs, and
.values to work on List, as shown in the test.  But I'll follow
whatever the spec says should be the case.



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